Guest Lectures by Assist. Prof. Albin Anto (School of Law, Manipal University Jaipur, India)

Guest Lectures by Assist. Prof. Albin Anto (School of Law, Manipal University Jaipur, India)

We are pleased to invite You for a Guest Lectures by Assist. Prof. Albin Anto from School of Law, Manipal University Jaipur, India

Our Guest will give an online lecture on: „Public Health Crisis and Adaptability of Constitutional Rights” on Friday, November 29, 2024; 7:15 – 9:00 CET

All members and friends of our Faculty community are very welcome to attend!

Please write to to receive a link to the lecture.

Public Health Crisis and Adaptability of Constitutional Rights

In times of public health crises, constitutions are tested in multiple ways, in terms of their flexibility in balancing individual rights with collective welfare. The COVID-19 pandemic was one such dilemma that occured across the world as governments faced unprecedented challenges in protecting public health while upholding fundamental rights of the individuals. Restrictions on freedom of movement, assembly, and even privacy led to heated debates.

This topic explores how the "living Constitution" concept allows legal systems to adapt by interpreting the fundamental and constitutional rights dynamically to meet the evolving health crisis in the society. It is intended to explain how countries responded constitutionally to the crisis, comparing approaches from the United States, India, and other settler democracies. Through the lecture it is intended to address questions such as to what extent does constitutions are flexible enough to address public health crisis? What role does courts play in interpreting the constitution to balance the rights and community rights? And what safeguards are to be ensured that the wider powers conferred to the executive are not abused?

This lecture will discuss the role of living constitutions to play the role of not only protecting individual freedoms but also in enabling states to respond effectively to global health threats, ensuring resilience for the future.

Guest Lectures by Assist. Prof. Albin Anto (School of Law, Manipal University Jaipur, India)Mr. Albi Into is currently working as an Assistant Professor at School of Law, Manipal University Jaipur, India. Before joining Manipal University as Assistant Professor, he was engaged as a research associate at the National University of Advanced Legal Studies, Kochi for almost 18 months. During the period he was part of various state funded research projects including "Role of Local Self-Governments in ensuring Socio-Economic Rights of Citizens during COVID-19". Besides being the recipient of various awards like Nani A Phalkiwala Memorial Award, he also had the opportunities to be the part of various international and national seminars and workshops.

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Submitted on Monday, 25. November 2024 - 14:58 by Sławomir Dajkowski Changed on Wednesday, 27. November 2024 - 08:20 by Sławomir Dajkowski