Monograph „Poznań School of Legal Theory” by Prof. Marek Smolak and Dr. Paweł Kwiatkowski, PhD in the Brill publishing house

coverWe are pleased to announce that a new monograph „Poznań School of Legal Theory” edited by Marek Smolak and Paweł Kwiatowski has just been published by the Brill publishing house. The monograph is a part of the project „Adam Mickiewicz University Theory and Philosophy of Law” 21H 16 0006 84 financed under the National Programme for the Development of the Humanities.
Anthology is composed of the introductory chapter “The Poznań School of Legal Theory: Origins – People – Ideas” and twenty three original scholarly papers written by the representatives of the Poznań circle of legal theorists. It includes the papers of the School’s precursor, namely Czesław Znamierowski; Zygmunt Ziembiński – the founder of the Poznan School of Legal Theory – Zygmunt Ziembiński, leading representatives of the School who gathered around Ziembiński, and finally the works of a new generation of Poznan legal theorists, who are rightly referred to as the continuators of the Poznan School.
This book grew out of the conviction that the original derivational theory of legal interpretation, as well as the concept of the sources of law proposed by Zygmunt Ziembiński and developed by his students, are still perfectly suited for application today, in the era of moral pluralism and multicentric legal systems. Moreover, since we are in the midst of a period of heated disputes over the grounds of the normativity of law, and are confronting controversies about the basis for the legitimacy of court decisions, over the results of legal interpretation, and concerning the coherence of legal systems, it would seem that the legal-theoretical proposals put forward by the circle of Poznań legal theorists, supported as they are by firm methodological foundations, have not by any means lost their value.
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Submitted on Friday, 12. February 2021 - 09:16 by Sławomir Dajkowski Changed on Friday, 12. February 2021 - 09:24 by Sławomir Dajkowski