Visit of the delegation from Dezhou University (China)
On September 20, a delegation from Dezhou University in China visited the University of Gdańsk. The delegation was headed by Prof. Wu Jun, Chairman of the School Council. The delegation included:…
Guest Lectures by Chris Eskridge (University of Nebraska, USA)
The Department of Substantive Criminal Law and Criminology of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdansk is pleased to invite for a series of guest lectures on 05.06.2024 and…
Guest Lectures by Dr. Alaeldin Maghaireh (Ajman University, United Arab Emirates)
We are pleased to invite You for a Guest Lectures by Dr. Alaeldin Maghaireh from Ajman University, United Arab Emirates Our Guest will give an online lecture on: „ AI Intricacies: Deepfake as a…
Guest Lectures by Prof. Guillermo Palao Moreno University of Valencia, Spain
We are pleased to invite you for a Guest Lectures by Prof. Guillermo Palao Moreno from The University of Valencia, Spain. Our Guest will give an online lecture on: „ International Tort…
Guest lecture by Professor Angelika Nußberger from Cologne, Germany
On behalf of the German Law School, we warmly invite everyone interested to a guest lecture by Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Dr. h.c. Angelika Nußberger M.A. from Cologne (combined with the German Law…
SEA-EU Call for student-led projects
Are you a Bachelor, Master or PhD students with an innovative idea for strengthening student collaboration across Europe? Are you keen to help shape the future of European education from a student…
Prof. Maciej Nyka became an expert of the European Economic and Social Committee (EU)
We are pleased to announce that Assoc. Prof. Maciej Nyka (Head of the Department of Public Economic Law and Environmental Protection) was appointed as an expert of the European Economic and Social…
International Conference Being SEA-EU
Dear Scientists and Students, On behalf of the SEA-EU partner universities, we encourage you to participate in the international conference 'Being SEA-EU', the first edition will be held at the…
Polish-Swiss Private Law Forum
We kindly invite you to the Polish-Swiss Private Law Forum, organized by the Department of Civil Law, which will be held at our Faculty on March 26, 2024. The aim of this event, unique on a national…
Visit of scientists from the partner university in Uzbekistan
On Thursday, January 18, we hosted a delegation from our partner university in Uzbekistan - Tashkent State University of Law (TSUL). The delegation included: Prof. Dildora Umakhanova - Dean of the…
Visiting Professors from Germany and Uzbekistan at our Faculty
We are pleased to announce that in the latest, 4th edition of the "Visiting Professors of the University of Gdańsk" competition, two winning applications were submitted by our Faculty. The fourth…
Visit of Dr. Aisha Al-Ammari (Qatar University)
This week we host Dr. Aisha Al-Ammari from Qatar University Law School at our Faculty. Our international guest payed a visit to the Dean of our Faculty, Prof. Wojciech Zalewski. Both scientists…
Guest Lectures by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aisha Al-Ammari (Qatar University, Qatar)
We are pleased to inform that next week we will be hosting a visiting lecturer from Qatar University College of Law – Assist. Prof. Dr. Aisha Al-Ammari Our guest will give lectures on Constitutional…
Guest Lectures by Dr. Wang Yang, Ocean University (China)
We are pleased to inform that we are hosting a visiting lecturer from Ocean University of China, Law School, China – Dr. Wang Yang Our guest will give lectures on: "Transplantation and evolution of…
Guest Lectures by Ms. Maryia Zharylouskaya, MA (European Humanities University, Lithuania)
We are pleased to inform that we are hosting a visiting lecturer from the European Humanities University in Lithuania – Ms. Maryia Zharylouskaya, MA. Our guest will conduct a workshop on: “…