Visit of two working groups from Tashkent State University of Law (Uzbekistan)
Our Faculty was visited by two working groups of representatives of our partner university - Tashkent State University of Law (TSUL) from Uzbekistan. Assoc. Prof. Sardorbek Yusupov (Head of the…
Scientific visit and guest lectures on Comparative Administrative Law by Prof. Ieva Deviatnikovaitė…
We are pleased to inform that on November 21-22, 2022 we have been hosting a visiting lecturer from Mykolas Romeris University in Vilnius, Lithuania, Prof. Ieva Deviatnikovaitė. Our guest gave…
Prof. Ewa Bagińska elected Vice President of the International Academy of Comparative Law
We are pleased to announce that on October 27, 2022, during the Congress of Comparative Law in Asunción (Paraguay), prof. Ewa Bagińska (Head of the Department of Civil Law) was elected Vice President…
Visit by Ms. Insa Blanke (Loyola University, Chicago)
On November 8, 2022, our Faculty was visited by Ms. Insa Blanke, Executive Director, Foreign and International LLM&SJD Programs, School of Law, Loyola University in Chicago. Ms. Blanke…
Classes at the School of International and Advanced Problems of Public Law for TSUL and CU students…
We are pleased to announce that classes have started at the School of International and Advanced Problems of Law. The participants of the School - nearly 60 people - are mostly students from…
Participation of dr. Magdalena Łągiewska in the ECLSA conference in Copenhagen
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Magdalena Łągiewska, Assistant Professor at the Department of Public International Law and Director of the Confucius Institute, took part in the 16th edition of…
Dr. Magdalena Łągiewska delivered a lecture during the conference at the University of Oxford
Dr. Magdalena Łągiewska, Assistant Professor at the Department of Public International Law of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk and director of the Confucius Institute…
Rector’s Day: 31 October 2022
We kindly remind you that according to the decision of the Rector of the University of Gdańsk, October 31, 2022 is the so-called "Rector's Day". This means that on that day there are no classes at…
Information meeting for foreign students (Erasmus+)
We are very happy that this semester we can host the largest group of foreign students in the history of our Faculty – more than 120! They are participants of Erasmus+ academic mobility programme,…
2022 Global Law Deans' Forum in Oxford
The 2022 Global Law Deans' Forum and the 2002 Annual Meeting of the International Association of Law Schools (IALS) was held on September 26-29, 2022 in Oxford. The representatives of our Faculty…
Visit of scientists and doctoral students from Uzbekistan
As part of the PROM - International scholarship exchange of PhD candidates and academic staff - financed by the National Agency for Academic Exchange NAWA, our Faculty was visited by lecturers and…
Assoc. Prof. Jacek Potulski elected the Secretary of the Scientific Council of the United Nations…
We are pleased to announce that on September 30, 2022, Assoc. Prof. Jacek Potulski (Head of the Division of Criminology) was elected the Secretary of the Scientific Council of the anti-corruption…
Prof. Kamil Zeidler elected the President of the Polish Section of IVR. Scientists from the Faculty…
We are pleased to announce, that Prof. Kamil Zeidler, chair of Department of Theory and Philosophy of the State and Law at the University of Gdańsk, was elected the President of the Polish Section of…
Working visit to Tashkent State University of Law
On September 10-18, 2022, Vice-Dean for International Cooperation and Development, Assoc. Prof. Marcin M. Wiszowaty and the Dean's Plenipotentiary for International Cooperation, Assoc. Prof. Edvardas…
International project with funding from the Polish-German Foundation for Science (PNFN)
On 8th July 2022, a project entitled "Economy, Finance and Sustainable Development (Wirtschaft, Finanzen und Nachhaltige Entwicklung)", the leader of which is the Faculty of Law and Administration of…