A new monograph: "Earth System Law: Standing on the Precipice of the Anthropocene" (…
Assoc. Prof. Maciej Nyka from the Department of Public Economic Law and Environmental Protection Law wrote a chapter for this monograph entitled "The framework of the justice of the earth system in…
High-score scientific publication by prof. Kamil Zeidler and Mrs. Aleksandra Guss
An article by a pair of authors - prof. Kamil Zeidler and Mrs. Aleksandra Guss: „The Protection of Cultural Heritage vs. the Right to Private Property: The Extraordinary Case of the Portrait of Dr.…
Chinese Science Award for Dr. Magdalena Łągiewska
Dr Magdalena Łągiewska, an Assistant Professor at the Department of Public International Law and a Director of the Confucius Institute at the University of Gdańsk, together with an international…
Gdansk International Master Lectures: “The impact of COVID-19 on the business legislation: changes…
We are pleased to announce that, as part of the growing international cooperation with Tashkent State University of Law (TSUL) in Uzbekistan, the Gdansk International Open Lectures will be given on…
Roundtable discussion on “Judicial Character in Hard Times”
The last meeting in the series of online seminars “Judicial Character in Hard Times” (part of the research project “Judges and Virtues”, organized by the Department of…
The participation of prof. Jacek Potulski in the 19th International Anti-Corruption Conference:…
Assoc. Prof. Jacek Potulski, (Head of the Criminology Division) took part (in the remote formula) in the 19th International Anti-Corruption Conference: Designing 2030: Truth, Trust & Transparency…
Guests from Kenya and Georgia at our Faculty
Our guests from Kenya and Georgia successfully reached the Faculty. Dr. Jane Wathuta (Strathmore University, Nairobi, Kenya) specializes in family law, also with an international dimension. Mrs.…
Guest lectures on Family Law by Dr. Jane Rachel Muthoni Wathuta (Strathmore Law School, Kenya)
We are pleased to announce that, as part of the growing international cooperation under the Erasmus + program, the Faculty of Law and Administration will be visited by guest lecturers from…
Guest lectures on Criminal Law by Claire Adionyi (Strathmore Law School, Kenya)
We are pleased to announce that on December 6-10, 2021 we will host a visiting lecturer at our Faculty. Claire Adionyi will deliver guest lectures in the field of criminal law. Timetable for…
Guest lectures on Public finance and Banking law by Dr. Levan Gotua (Caucasus University, Tbilisi…
We are pleased to invite on series of guest lectures conducted by visiting our Faculty Dr. Levan Gotua. Dr. Gotua prepared tree interesting topics which he would like to share during his stay…
PhD Student from Kazakhstan visiting our Faculty to meet Prof. E. Juchnevicius - his foreign PhD…
We are currently hosting at our Faculty a PhD student from Kazakhstan who visited us for consultations with one of the specialists in the field of tax law. Mr. Adam Murat has 16 years of Legal…
International Scientific Conference on "Economy in the Synergy of Economic, Financial and…
On November 18-19, 2021, an international scientific conference was held at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk on the issues of mutual connections and the effects…
International Round Table - teaching challenges during Covid-19
On Thursday, November 25, the "International Round Table - teaching challenges during Covid-19" was organized on the Zoom platform, co-organized by our Faculty in cooperation with Bar-Ilan University…
Lecture by Prof. Tomasz T. Koncewicz during the RECONNECT Workshop in Budapest.
As part of the project Horizon 2020 – Reconnect: "Reconciling Europe with its Citizens through Democracy and Rule of Law" (RECONNECT), Assoc Prof. Tomasz Tadeusz Koncewicz gave a lecture entitled "We…
Prof. Tomasz T. Koncewicz’s paper in the latest issue of “Debates and Documents Collection” of the…
In the latest issue of the "Debates and Documents Collection" series (No. 22, October 2021) , published by the Jean Monnet Foundation, a new publication by Assoc. Prof. Tomasz Koncewicz has been…