Guest lectures by Prof. Valentina Tereshkova
We are pleased to announce that Prof. Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova (Associate Professor of the International Law Department of the Siberian Federal University, Russia) will visit the Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Gdansk.
The visit program includes inter alia open lecture on:
18th of October:
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM “Issue of application the International Law by Russian courts”
given on the “Public international law course” (MS Teams platform).
19th of October:
8.15 – 9.45 AM "Human rights in the 21st century - between theory and practice"
as part of the university-wide lectures.
In addition, Professor Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova will give a lecture on "Law for Business" at the Faculty of Management.
Prof. Tereshkova has been teaching International Law, International Private Law and Theory of Human Rights, Public Procurement, and Street Law since 1998.
She is also a lecturer of the annual international Summer Academy of Human Rights and coach of award-winning student’s team for international moot court competition. Moreover, Prof. Tereshkova is the author of more than 20 scientific publications and methodological developments on the issue of: implementation of the International Law into the domestic legal system, International law as a tool for Human rights protection. In addition to aforementioned functions Prof. Tereshkova is a member of the Qualification Council of judges of the Krasnoyarsk Region and has been teaching judges of the Krasnoyarsk Region since 2007. Prof. Valentina Tereshkova is also a practitioner with experience as a legal advisor for more than 25 years.
Those wishing to attend the open lectures or Students Scientific Society meeting are asked to send an email on:, to obtain a link(s) to the event(s).