Scientific visit of Prof. Dr. jur. Johannes Platschek (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany)

On October 16-18, 2023, Prof. Dr. jur. Johannes Platschek, Head of the Lehrstuhl für Römisches Recht, Antike Rechtsgeschichte und Bürgerliches Recht at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München visited our Faculty.

Prof. J. Platschek specializes in research on Roman Law and German Civil Law. Recently he co-authored the latest commentary on the German Code of Civil Law: Kommentar zum Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuch mit Einführungsgesetz und Nebengesetzen (BGB) (Soergel) - and a synthesis of contemporary research on Roman law: Handbuch des Römischen Privatrechts, Bd. I-II, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2023.

During his stay in Gdańsk, Prof. J. Platschek gave a lecture for first-year law students entitled: "Traditions of Teaching (Roman) Private Law in Europe".

The next day, an open scientific seminar of the Department of Civil Law was organized, in which the basis for the discussion was the paper of our guest entitled: "Ignorant Practitioners? Roman Law beyond the System".

Visit of Prof. J. Platschek took place at the invitation of the head of the Division of Roman Law, Assoc. Prof. Dr. habil. Prof. Jacek Wiewiorowski.

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Submitted on Tuesday, 31. October 2023 - 15:20 by Marcin Wiszowaty Changed on Tuesday, 31. October 2023 - 15:24 by Marcin Wiszowaty