Polish-Swiss Private Law Forum
We kindly invite you to the Polish-Swiss Private Law Forum, organized by the Department of Civil Law, which will be held at our Faculty on March 26, 2024.
The aim of this event, unique on a national scale, is to promote research on Swiss Civil Law, analyze and debate on contemporary directions of its development, and assess the importance of concepts operating in Swiss law for the pan-European landscape, as well as for the development of contemporary Polish law and the directions of its reform.
The forum is intended to become a platform for exchanging views on current issues and developing cooperation with law faculties of Swiss universities.
The patrons of the Polish-Swiss Private Law Forum are:
- His Excellency Fabrice Filliez - the Ambassador of the Swiss Confederation,
- Assoc. Prof. Wojciech Zalewski - the Dean of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk,
Distinguished guests have also confirmed their participation in a lecture:
- Prof. Pascal Pichonnaz from the University of Freiburg, President of the European Law Institute
- Prof. Bénédict Winiger from the University of Geneva, member of the European Group on Tort Law.
Further details about the event and the registration form will be announced soon in our media.