Our Faculty participates in the TRIIAL 2 project
We are glad to inform, that since 1 February 2023, our Faculty is a member of the international scientific consortium TRIIAL 2 - TRust, Independence, Impartiality and Accountability of Legal professionals under the EU Charter. The TRIIAL II team includes Prof. Tomasz Tadeusz Koncewicz, Head of the Department of European Law and Comparative Legal Studies, who is the Project Manager, Dr. Marcin Michalak from the Department of European Law and Comparative Legal Studies and Dr. Anna Podolska from the Department of Human Rights and Intellectual Property Law.
The TRust, Independence, Impartiality and Accountability of judges safeguarding the rule of Law under the EU Charter (TRIIAL) project is a DG Justice supported project that provides training activities and tools for judges, lawyers, prosecutors, and other legal professionals in areas of salient importance for the application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights (CFR).
It will run from 1 February 2023 until 31 July 2025. It will offer 12 transnational workshops for legal practitioners, the calendar will soon be published. The topics of the transnational workshop will be the following:
1. Enforcing the Rule of Law through Judicial Interaction Techniques
2. The Rule of Law Requirements of Judicial Self-Government: the Role of Judicial Councils and Court Presidents
3. Mutual Trust, Judicial Independence and Judicial Cooperation in Asylum
4. Freedom of Expression and Association of Judges – a Cross-Border Judicial Dialogue
5. Mutual Trust, Judicial Independence of Prosecutors in the EAW framework
6. Freedom of Expression and Association of Prosecutors – a Cross-Border Judicial Dialogue
7. Are National Higher Courts Securing Fundamental Rights? Litigation Techniques towards Implementation of EU Acquis on RoL and Fundamental Rights
8. Disciplinary Proceedings and Judicial Ethics
9. The Role of Lawyers in the Promotion of Judicial Independence, Mutual Trust and Rule of Law – Litigation Strategies before Judicial and Quasi-Judicial Bodies
10. Fundamental Rights and the Use of the Preliminary Reference Procedure
11. Judicial Dialogue and Freedom of Expression of Lawyers
12. Rule of Law and Predictive Justice
The TRIIAL 2 Project is a continuation of the successfully concluded TRIIAL project and aims at assisting legal practitioners in the response to rule of law challenges. It addresses the priority of supporting judicial trainings of justice professionals with the aim of building public trust in the profession of judges to sustain their position.
The following specific objectives are at the heart of the project:
1) raising awareness about the impact that judicial interaction techniques have in the implementation of the fundamental rights’ legal framework, particularly CFR;
2) improving the ability of legal practitioners to promote rule of law through the application of the EU fundamental legal framework to their everyday work;
3) fostering national cross-sectoral cooperation in the implementation of EU fundamental rights legal framework in the promotion of the rule of law;
4) building trust, legitimacy, dialogue, accountability of the judiciary.
The national and European caselaw selected within the framework of the project can be accessed at the CJC Database.