Letter from the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Lithuania to the Dean of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk

The Dean of our Faculty, Wojciech Zalewski, D.Sc., received a letter from the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Lithuania, Evelina Dobrovolska. In addition to thanks to Dean for the congratulations on taking up the office, the Minister included kind words about the Polish-Lithuanian relations and the invitation to cooperation. Our Faculty will be happy to cooperate with our Lithuanian partners. We cordially encourage the members of our faculty community to this cooperation.




At this point, it is worth mentioning the latest example of the already existing Polish-Lithuanian scientific cooperation at our Faculty. In the latest issue of "Gdańsk Legal Studies" (No. 4/2020), edited by Anna Rytel-Warzocha, D.Sc. (Department of Constitutional Law and Political Institutions), including article by prof. Toma Birmontienė, professor of Constitutional Law and former Judge of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Republic of Lithuania. On February11,2021, a scientific seminar on the problem of "Constitutional autocratization of governments in Russia" will be held under the auspices of the University of Texas at Austin. The main speaker of the seminar will be prof. Birmontienė. Her text, published in "Gdańsk Legal Studies", entitled "2020 Amendments to the Russian Constitution - Change of the Constitution or Its Collapse?" is recommended by conference organizers as an introduction to the seminar.


Link to the article: https://czasopisma.bg.ug.edu.pl/index.php/gdanskie_studia_prawnicze/article/view/5213/4545

Link to the conference: https://utexas.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUpcOmvqTIrEtTXXvE910QeXGqdbxRNY_N0?fbclid=IwAR2AaN6F0V4owxoQ-23tNKrZCNMC2YpNt17aaf55kRLxmSfBaXEELH3dip0


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Submitted on Thursday, 4. February 2021 - 13:28 by Sławomir Dajkowski Changed on Thursday, 4. February 2021 - 13:28 by Sławomir Dajkowski