Guest Lectures by Dr. Alaeldin Maghaireh (Ajman University, United Arab Emirates)
We are pleased to invite You for a Guest Lectures by Dr. Alaeldin Maghaireh from Ajman University, United Arab Emirates
Guest Lectures by Prof. Guillermo Palao Moreno University of Valencia, Spain
We are pleased to invite you for a Guest Lectures by Prof. Guillermo Palao Moreno from The University of Valencia, Spain.
Guest Lectures by Assoc. Prof. Nadia Maccabiani (University of Brescia, Italy)
We are pleased to inform You that we are hosting a visiting lecturer Assoc. Prof. Nadia Maccabiani from The University of Brescia, Italy
Guest Lectures by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ezieddin Elmahjub (Qatar University, Qatar)
We are pleased to inform that we are hosting a visiting lecturer from Qatar University, Qatar – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ezieddin Elmahjub
Guest Lectures Dr. Márton Kaszap, Ludovika University of Public Service, Hungary
We are pleased to inform You that we are hosting a visiting lecturer Dr. Márton Kaszap from Ludovika University of Public Service, Hungary.
Guest Lectures by Prof. Reema Bhattacharya (Jagannath University, India)
We are pleased to invite You for a Guest Lectures by Assoc. Prof. Reema Bhattacharya from Jagannath University, India
Guest Lectures by Prof. Natalia Mushak from National Aviation University, Ukraine
We are pleased to inform You that we are hosting a visiting lecturer Prof. Natalia Mushak from National Aviation University, Ukraine
Guest Lectures by Dr. Pyali Chatterjee, HOD from the ICFAI University
We are pleased to invite for a Guest Lectures by Dr. Pyali Chatterjee, HOD from the ICFAI University.
Guest Lecture by Atty. Ms. Yekaterina Eduardovna Kan, MA KAN, MA from The Tashkent State University of Law
We are pleased to invite you for a Guest Lectures by Atty. Yekaterina Eduardovna Kan, MA from The Tashkent State University of Law.