Visit of the delegation from Dezhou University (China)
On September 20, a delegation from Dezhou University in China visited the University of Gdańsk. The delegation was headed by Prof. Wu Jun, Chairman of the School Council. The delegation included:…
Guest Lectures by Chris Eskridge (University of Nebraska, USA)
The Department of Substantive Criminal Law and Criminology of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdansk is pleased to invite for a series of guest lectures on 05.06.2024 and…
Guest Lectures by Dr. Alaeldin Maghaireh (Ajman University, United Arab Emirates)
We are pleased to invite You for a Guest Lectures by Dr. Alaeldin Maghaireh from Ajman University, United Arab Emirates Our Guest will give an online lecture on: „ AI Intricacies: Deepfake as a…
Guest Lectures by Prof. Guillermo Palao Moreno University of Valencia, Spain
We are pleased to invite you for a Guest Lectures by Prof. Guillermo Palao Moreno from The University of Valencia, Spain. Our Guest will give an online lecture on: „ International Tort…
Guest lecture by Professor Angelika Nußberger from Cologne, Germany
On behalf of the German Law School, we warmly invite everyone interested to a guest lecture by Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Dr. h.c. Angelika Nußberger M.A. from Cologne (combined with the German Law…
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Christmas filled with joy and love, bringing peace and rest, A New Year that will fulfill all your dreams, full of optimism, happiness and success wishes Prof. Wojciech Zalewski Dean Faculty of…
SEA-EU: visit of the Dean and Vice-Deans at the Faculty of Law of the University of Split (Croatia)
On December 11 - 13, 2023 the Dean of our Faculty, Assoc. Prof. Dr. habil. Wojciech Zalewski accompanied by two Vice-Deans: Assoc. Prof. Dr. habil. Małgorzata Balwicka-Szczyrba and Assoc. Prof. Dr.…
Chapter by two Authors from the Faculty in "The Oxford Handbook of International Law in Europe…
We are pleased to announce that two scientists from our Faculty are the authors of a chapter in the just published "The Oxford Handbook of International Law in Europe". Assoc. Prof. Dr. habil. Sylwia…
Guest Lectures by Assist. Prof. Dr. Young Joo (Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University, Saudi Arabia)
We are pleased to inform that this week we are hosting a Visiting Scholar from the Faculty of Law, Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University, Saudi Arabia - Assist. Prof. Dr. Young Joo. Our guest will…
REPORT: Winter International Week 2023
During the vibrant and insightful Winter International Week 2023 (WIW2023) held from November 27th to December 1st, our Faculty soared to new heights in fostering global academic collaboration.…
Guest Lectures by Prof. Eesa Fredericks (University of Johannesburg, South Africa)
We are pleased to inform that this week we are hosting a Visiting Professor from the Faculty of Law, University of Johannesburg, South Africa - Prof. Eesa Fredericks. Our guest will give lecture…
Guest Lectures by Mr. Elton Hart, MA (University of Johannesburg, South Africa)
We are pleased to inform that this week we are hosting a Visiting Lecturer from the Faculty of Law, University of Johannesburg, South Africa - Mr. Elton Hart, MA. Our guest will give lecture on…
Winter International Week 2023
We are pleased to announce that Winter International Week 2023 is taking place at our Faculty this coming week. We will be hosting up to 35 international guests from 8 countries around the world at…
ERASMUS+ Master Internships abroad at SEA-EU universities
Want to see how research is carried out at foreign universities? Are you planning to improve your language skills? Or maybe you need to invest in your professional and academic development? SEA-EU…
Lecture of Dr. Fiammetta Cioè (Sapienza University, Rome, Italy)
[8.11.2023] We are pleased to inform about the visit to our Faculty of Dr. Fiammetta Cioè of Sapienza University in Rome (Italy). Dr. Cioè is a member of the Italian branch of the Association for…